Strengthening Team Dynamics & Fostering Unity at USAID / Guatemala

In the intricate landscape of organizational dynamics, fostering a cohesive and effective team is more of an art than a science, especially within the context of the public sector’s unique challenges. This case study delves into the transformative journey of USAID/Guatemala's Planning and Program Support Office (PPSO), which faced significant hurdles in team integration, communication, and morale amid transitions, the pandemic, and external pressures. At the heart of this transformation was the facilitation expertise of La'Nita Johnson, whose intervention addressed immediate challenges and laid the groundwork for sustained organizational growth.


International Development / Government

Team Size



Guatemala City, Guatemala


Team building retreat design & team retreat facilitation

Customer profile

The client, USAID/Guatemala's PPSO, is a critical unit responsible for planning and program support within the broader framework of USAID’s initiatives in Guatemala. The team comprised approximately 20-25 dedicated American Foreign Service Officers and Guatemalan nationals. These professionals navigated a complex matrix of strategic objectives, reporting requirements, and cultural dynamics while transitioning to include new leadership and support roles filled virtually during the pandemic.


The PPSO team was at a crossroads, grappling with multifaceted challenges threatening its functionality and morale. The integration of new team members and leaders, compounded by the pandemic's impact, had exacerbated task delegation, role clarity, and interpersonal communication issues. A never-ending workload, driven by new congressional reporting requirements, led to team members' burnout. Furthermore, the virtual introduction of new leaders had left the team feeling disconnected, needing a shared strategic vision and more tense communications due to insufficient opportunities for meaningful interaction.


Recognizing the depth and breadth of the PPSO team's challenges, La'Nita Johnson–who at the time was a Foreign Service Officer in USAID/Guatemala’s Education Office, embarked on a meticulous process of engagement, starting with a comprehensive needs assessment to align the retreat's objectives with the team's requirements. This preparatory phase informed the design of a personalized full-day team training that focused on:

  • Establishing a connection between team members and leaders to foster mutual understanding of professional values.

  • Clarifying the team's strategic vision, with a strong emphasis on leader-defined goals and directions.

  • Identifying and resolving role duplications and clarifications to streamline efficiency.

  • Facilitating an interactive action planning exercise aimed at boosting team productivity and success.

  • Incorporating energy-clearing exercises from La Nita's energy healing practice to rejuvenate team morale.

I crafted this multifaceted approach to address the symptoms of the PPSO's challenges and foster a sustainable environment of trust, clarity, and cohesion.

“La'Nita designed and facilitated a team retreat for the office I was working on. She did a great job gathering information from the staff about our needs and advocating with leadership to address the priorities during the retreat. She designed and facilitated a retreat that was engaging and action-oriented. Her approach helped us move beyond old discussions and bring a "So what? Now what?" mindset that resulted in concrete actions we could follow up on.”

Laura Villegas, CLA Lead at USAID/El Salvador


The retreat marked a pivotal moment for the PPSO team, yielding immediate and tangible improvements in morale, communication, and strategic alignment. Team members reported a renewed sense of unity and purpose, while leaders observed more effective communication and collaboration within the team. The action plans developed during the retreat provided a clear roadmap for addressing workload management and enhancing productivity. Buoyed by the success at PPSO, Johnson was subsequently invited to replicate this transformative experience for USAID/Guatemala's Executive Office, adapting the program to this new audience's unique needs and language.

“La'Nita Johnson's exceptional skills in retreat facilitation and team building are a testament to her impact on organizational development. Her role in crafting and executing a full-day, in-person staff retreat for our office was nothing short of transformative. She seamlessly integrated new team members during a critical transition period and fostered an environment where sensitive issues could be addressed with professionalism and empathy. Her ability to facilitate open dialogue and build trust among team members led to significant advancements in teamwork and morale. La Nita's dedication and talent in learning, knowledge management, and planning are invaluable assets to any organization.”

Stephen Scott, Deputy Director, USAID/Guatemala’s PPSO


La'Nita Johnson’s intervention with USAID/Guatemala's PPSO is a powerful testament to the impact of tailored, empathetic leadership and team-building initiatives in overcoming organizational challenges. By fostering an environment that valued open communication, strategic clarity, and individual well-being, Johnson helped steer the PPSO team toward a more cohesive and effective future. This case study highlights the critical importance of addressing human factors in organizational success and sets a benchmark for similar interventions across the public and private sectors. Through her adept facilitation and commitment to understanding and addressing the team's needs, Johnson has demonstrated that even the most stressed and disjointed teams can return to productivity and positivity.