Empowering Positive Youth Development: A USAID/Malawi Case Study

In the heart of Malawi, a transformative training initiative was set in motion, marking a pivotal moment for USAID/Malawi and its local implementing partners. The challenge was ambitious: condensing a comprehensive 5-day curriculum on positive youth development into an impactful 3-day training session. This initiative was about transferring knowledge and reshaping approaches to youth development that resonated deeply with the Malawian context. At the helm of this endeavor was La’Nita Johnson, whose expertise and dedication were about to leave an indelible mark on all participants.


International Development / Government

Team Size



Guatemala City, Guatemala


Training/Curriculum Design and Workshop Facilitation

The Challenge

USAID/Malawi recognized the need to equip its staff and local implementing partners with advanced strategies and insights on positive youth development. The goal was clear: to foster a learning environment that was informative and profoundly relevant to the Malawian setting. This task entailed a significant adaptation of the existing curriculum, cutting down the training from five days to three without compromising the richness of its content. Moreover, it was crucial that the training embraced cultural nuances, drawing upon Malawian examples and ensuring applicability in the local context. Another layer of complexity was added by integrating a site visit to bridge theory with practice.

The Solution

La’Nita Johnson, with her extensive background in positive youth development and participatory facilitation methods, was tasked with co-leading this ambitious training. Collaborating closely with USAID/Malawi and a local Malawian counterpart, she meticulously adapted the curriculum. Her approach was characterized by an acute sensitivity to intercultural communication, ensuring that every piece of content and facilitation style was tailored to resonate with the Malawian audience.

La’Nita’s expertise in participatory facilitation shone as she navigated the challenges of condensing the curriculum. She employed various dynamic training methods to maintain high engagement and focus among participants. By incorporating real-life Malawian examples and fostering an environment of empathy and humor, she built strong relationships with a diverse group of participants.

“Working with La’Nita was a joy! She is a passionate and thoughtful trainer with expertise in positive youth development, participatory facilitation, and training methods. She is skilled at reading the room, adapting to participants' needs and energy levels, and maintaining engagement and focus for learning. She communicates with empathy and humor, building relationships with diverse people and positions. I’m grateful to her for our collaboration.”

Rachel Surkin, Senior Technical Expert at IREX

The Results

The impact of the 3-day training was profound. Participants left the session with valuable insights and strategies for positive youth development. La’Nita’s passion and dedication were infectious, inspiring a newfound enthusiasm and commitment toward supporting the youth of Malawi. The training enriched the participants' understanding and approach to youth development and strengthened their capacity to make a tangible difference in the lives of young Malawians.

The site visit, an integral part of the training, provided an invaluable opportunity for participants to apply what they had learned in a real-world context. This experiential learning component underscored the practical relevance of the training content, reinforcing the bridge between theory and practice.


The collaboration between La’Nita Johnson and USAID/Malawi serves as a beacon of innovation and excellence in positive youth development. She has significantly empowered USAID/Malawi staff and local implementing partners. The success of this training, through her expert facilitation and dedication to its cultural relevance, underscores the importance of tailored educational experiences that convey knowledge and inspire action and change. Thanks to this groundbreaking initiative, USAID/Malawi and its partners are now better equipped than ever to support and uplift the youth of Malawi.

“Ms. La’Nita Johnson's impact on the USAID Malawi staff and implementing partners through her direct role in designing and delivering a 3-day in-person Positive Youth Development training was exceptional. Her expertise and dedication in designing and delivering the training have empowered our team with valuable insights and strategies for youth development. La’Nita's passion for youth development shone through fostering a dynamic and engaging learning environment. Her commitment to excellence has undoubtedly enriched our approach to supporting youth in Malawi. We are immensely grateful for her invaluable contribution to our Mission.”

Wathando Mughandira, Youth Strategic Integration Advisor at USAID/Malawi