Finding One's Voice: A Case Study on Personal Empowerment and Professional Integration

At iluminada+ consulting co., we specialize in unlocking individuals' personal and professional potential through insightful assessments and customized coaching. Our approach is centered on understanding and leveraging each client's unique strengths and challenges, guiding them toward achieving their fullest potential.


International Development / Government

Team Size



Washington, D.C.


Birkman® Signature Report & Personalized Coaching Session

Customer profile

This case study focuses on a dedicated USAID/Rwanda employee who faced unique challenges in her workplace despite her commitment and passion for her work. Being of Kenyan nationality, she often found herself in a complex social structure that left her feeling excluded and marginalized in both professional and social settings. In addition to her naturally quiet demeanor, this exclusion impacted her professional satisfaction and well-being.


Our client sought to find her voice in a workplace where she felt overlooked due to cultural and structural dynamics. She aimed to advocate for herself and share her identity without compromising her integrity or personal comfort. The primary obstacles were her feelings of isolation, her struggle to assert herself in discussions, and the need to maintain her authenticity.


iluminada+ consulting co. introduced the Birkman® Method Assessment to dive deep into our client's personality, motivations, and social needs. This assessment revealed vital insights:

  • There needed to be more connection between her need for social interaction and fulfilling this need in her current environment.

  • She had a low assertiveness score, which explained her discomfort in speaking up.

  • A high emotional energy score indicating potential pathways to leverage for self-advocacy.

With these insights, iluminada+ consulting co. crafted a personalized coaching strategy. We focused on empowering our client to use her emotional energy as a strength to express her needs and opinions confidently. Our sessions provided practical strategies and support, helping her navigate conversations and workplace dynamics without fear or embarrassment.


The transformation experienced by our client was profound. Through the personalized coaching sessions and the insights gained from the Birkman® Method Assessment, she was able to:

  • Understand the root causes of her feelings of isolation and discomfort.

  • Develop and implement strategies that align with her natural tendencies and strengths, enabling her to speak up and advocate for herself effectively.

  • Build better rapport with her colleagues, leading to a more inclusive and satisfying professional and social environment.

This newfound confidence and strategy improved her professional relationships and significantly enhanced her personal satisfaction and sense of belonging within her workplace.

“Taking the Birkman® Method Assessment was a pivotal moment for me, and La'Nita's expert guidance made all the difference. The subsequent debrief session was an eye-opener, revealing insights into my strengths, weaknesses, and motivations that have since guided my personal and professional decisions. I'm incredibly grateful for the clarity it brought to my life. The Individual Coaching/Mentoring Sessions I received from La'Nita were instrumental in my personal growth journey. Her coaching approaches are not just knowledgeable but also genuinely caring and supportive. Through her guidance, I could set and achieve meaningful goals, overcome obstacles, and unlock my full potential.”

Emah Ndengo, Program Coordinator at USAID/Rwanda


iluminada+ consulting co. is proud to have played a role in our client's journey toward self-advocacy and professional fulfillment. Her story is a testament to the power of personalized coaching and the insights the Birkman® Method Assessment provided. It underscores our commitment to helping individuals navigate their unique challenges, leveraging their inherent strengths to create fulfilling personal and professional lives.